Post Operative Rehabilitation
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- Musculoskeletal
- Soft Tissue Injury
- Post Operative Rehabilitation
- Neurological Rehab
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K-Wing, Ground Floor, Sumer Nagar, Near Kora Kendra Bus Stop, Borivali (W), Mumbai - 92.
+91 9372220662

Post Operative Rehabilitation
We provide post-operative rehabilitation services at our clinic to help patients recover from surgeries. Our aim is providing comprehensive care that assists patients in regaining strength, mobility, and independence following surgery.
Our post-operative rehabilitation services include :
Joint replacement surgeries rehabilitation :- Total Hip Replacement, Total Knee Replacement, Fracture Rehabilitation
To assist patients in recovering from total hip replacement we help patients regain mobility and function. We offer a variety of rehabilitation services such as physical therapy, exercise programmes, and pain management techniques.
Fracture Rehabilitation :- shoulder, elbow fracture/ dislocation; wrist and hand fracture/ repair, hip, knee fracture, ankle reconstruction
Our rehabilitation programmes are individually tailored to each patient's needs and goals, that include physical therapy, exercise programmes, and other interventions to promote healing and recovery.